Event Round Up, March
April 3rd, 20173/11–Odyssey of the Mind, Millersville University
This was a fun event that we trooped with Garrison Carida. We arrived a little after 7am and made our way to the Memorial Student Center to find our changing room. Our initial changing room had a whole wall of windows which faced a main hallway, so we worked with the organizers to find a better spot. After a little confusion, we finally ended up in the room designated for first aide. The on-site nurses were kind enough to share their space with us. This actually worked to our benefit as the room was closer to the main competition area, where most of the crowd was coming and going. We were all suited and trooping by 8:30 and were immediately mobbed for pictures. We trooped for a solid two hours, taking pictures and interacting with parents and kids. After an hour or so in the main building, we took a cold walk across campus to the second building. We returned to the main building after a while and wound things down around 10:30.
Chris – TR
Ryan – CDZ
Mike – TK (GC)
Saffy – CDZ (GC)
Zoe – Traitorous Rebel Scum (GA Sabine (GC))
Marty – Chewie (GC)
Jared – TB (GC)
Collin – TK (GC)
Tyler (GC)
3/12–Ethan’s 5th Birthday, Stevensville
So after arriving at 3pm we found out that the party was cancelled. No big deal at all. We were able to talk the mom into getting the kids together for Ethan, and we entertained them for 2 hours. We had kids from the neighborhood join in on pictures, some soccer playing, and last but not least blast the troopers with nerf guns. All the kids and parents from this community were happy to see us and our mission to make people smile was very successful. We trooped for around 2 hours and the family said they will donate to make a wish in our name.
Rob – TK
Andy Youell – TB
Nick Dinko – CTK
Lisa & Dan Dinko (Nicks parents)
3/19–Pack 791 Blue & Gold, Reisterstown
Many of us arrived around 3 to grab a quick bite provided by the Pack. Charlie and Alexander were our recon guys and kept us updated on how long we had to get food on our faces and kitted up. Around 5 or so, two TKs went to oversee the Bridging Ceremony. A little later the Rebels processed to the stage followed by the rest of the 501st. Charlie did a great job at MCing: introducing us and our roles in the Empire and Rebel Alliance. After a quick Q&A, the packs were encouraged to get photos with us, and we took turns picking the raffle winners for the dinner. We returned to the changing room and were quickly unsuited.
Melissa – ID
James – TI
Charlie – ID
Bill T – TI
Warren – TA
Delaney – CBH (GA)
Emily – CC
Jesse – TS
Stephanie – DS
Matt – TK
Nick – TK (GA)
John – TK (Carida)
Bill R – TK
Pat – TK
Jess – TK
Devin – TB
Marty – Chewie
Dan – C-3PO
Bob M – R2
Norman – Jedi
Joe – Anakin
Nick’s Parents
3/25–Pack 802 Blue & Gold, Aberdeen
We arrived around 2:30 and started suiting up in our changing area. There was some minor time set backs that happened with the pack, but we started forming out after the flag ceremony and made our entrance around 3:45. Charlie MC’ed for us again and did an outstanding job. After introductions and some Q&A, we did pictures with several of the scouts and their families. Apparently there is some time dilation when in costume, but I think we finished up just before 5. We went back upstairs, got unsuited and went on our merry imperial ways. This was Oscar’s first event in which he squired for. He did a great job taking pictures for the people and trying to keep things orderly with Cheryl.
On a side note, several people have seen the 501st at public events and everyone knows TK’s will always be there and of course are appreciated. That being said, there was a very positive response that we were very diverse in the amount of characters that were able to make it. We had 3 Jawas running around too, which was really cool to see. Thanks to Zach for trying to reign in the little creatures.
Charlie – ID
Melissa – ID
Bry – TA
Bill – TI
Charles – FO-TI
Chris – TR
William – TK
Pat – TK
Ryan – CDZ
Connor – CDZ
Katiie – CDZ
3/29–Make-A-Wish Event for 4-year-old going blind, Denton
We all arrived or were there by 6:15pm – 6:30pm. The venue had changed to the local fire station, which was good considering the amount of troopers that we had. We proceeded to get suited up and were led down into the garage where we would make our entrance. The bikers, Bo Katan, the Jawa, Imperial Cadet, and the Sandtrooper were led into the main hall where the party was going. We decided to leave the TK’s with Vader and Kylo, and we would motion for them to come in once we located the child (which was part of the narrative). After locating Connor, we advised Lord Vader that we had found the young Jedi, and we signaled for the TK’s to escort Vader and Kylo into the party.
Lord Vader spoke with the young Jedi and presented him with his Make-A-Wish certificate. Young Connor and his family were going to Disney, where Connor is to face Darth Vader. We then motioned for the Jawa, young TB, and the Imperial Cadet to go get the gifts that we brought for Connor. Connor was also presented with his “Imperial” Walker. His Walker was made and donated by a charity group called Sweet Caroline. It was graphics dipped and had Imperial ships all over it. He really loved it and could really move around in it.
After presenting Connor with his gifts, we posed for family pics, Make-A-Wish banner pics, and pics with the guests. After hanging around for a bit, we retired to our changing area and packed it up.
This was a great event and we are grateful to all the troopers from Garrison Carida’s First State Squad who joined us.
Old Line Garrison:
Jesse – TD
Regan – CDZ
Eric – TB
Pat Talbott – Squire
Garrison Carida:
Matt – TK
Brandon – TK
Caleb Betters – TB
Dan Betters – SL
Will – TK ** First Troop **
Mark – SL
Nicole – BH
Matthew – ID