Event Round Up, December

January 20th, 2017

12/2–Clap Out for Elijah, Chevy Chase

This was not an easy troop, but such a worthwhile event. We were given one of the class rooms to change in and began suiting up.  Most of us had already had a few tears by the time we were ready to go. We snuck through the halls to a stairwell where we waited while the kids lined themselves along the lockers. To the Imperial March and cheers from the kids, we were welcomed through the hallway to where we met Elijah. While most students went back to class, Elijah and his class gathered with us in the auditorium to do a parade of high fives and take a few photos. We made a brief stop to the classroom where the kids had a snack, then headed to the buses to greet parents and send off the students. In a sea of 100+ kids, we danced, took photos, played, and dabbed before returning inside to present Elijah with his gift. The last thing to do was unsuit. Elijah wanted to see Darth Vader’s face, so he and his family joined us the in the changing room to see how our kits went together and who we were under the armor. It was an emotional ending as we said good byes and the school, family, and Troy said thanks and plied us with snacks.

A huge thanks to our brothers from PA coming down to make this extra special.

Rob Cross – SL
Shep – IG
Bill – IS
Emily – CC
Jacob – TK
Devin – TB
Rob H – TK
Andy – TB
Melissa – ID
Bill Ralph – TK
Jim Davis – TK
Clark – INT
Bryan – BH

Marty – Chewie
Dan – 3PO
Chloe – Leia
Jason – R2



12/2–Party for Child Who’s Mom Has Cancer, Fallston

As this was a small family party, we nearly had them outnumbered. ;-)   We got suited up in the garage, which had an absurdly powerful heater. We actually turned it off once we got in armor. We entered the house around 6:30, once the birthday boy was there, and surprised the heck out of him. He and a few other kids were super excited, as were the adults. We took a few pictures and chatted with the adults for about an hour, while the kids played. We presented Brenden with two clone action figures, an OLG patch, and an Honorary Clone Trooper certificate.


Jesse – TD
Chris – TR
Ryan – DZ (GA)
Devin – TB
Andrew – CT
Chloe – ANH Leia

12/04–Mayor’s Christmas Parade, Baltimore

We tried to park near each other and began suiting up. It was a long cold wait to step off, but definitely worth it. Rebels led the way, followed by the Mandos, and ending with the 501st Legion and Darth Vader. Some folks walked while others waved from the Jeeps. The crowd always seems excited to see us and one of the volunteers mentioned that of all the groups, we were his favorite. I believe the Star Wars groups took 2nd place this year!

Bill – IC
Jake – TK
Matt – TK
Geoff – TK
Rob – TD
Dave – FO TK
David – Vader
Lottie – Officer

Amy (and driver)

12/10–SW at Severna Park Library, Severna Park

The library provided us plenty of room to change into our uniforms in their staff break-room stocked with plenty of donuts and orange juice. After suiting up, we proceeded to the main area for a review of the good guys and rightfully (ahem) elected ruling government, The Empire, and identification of the traitorous terrorist organization known as the Rebellion. Many children were confused by the Rebel propaganda they’ve been hearing and seeing in the media, and needed re-education.

Our group posed for pictures with the children who renounced their alliance with the Rebellion. One of our favorite library fans was present, and she was dressed as Darth Vader. After pictures we milled about the library and enjoyed a visit from one of our newest recruits Nick and his Dad. We were also fortunate to meet a couple of students from the Jing Ying Kung Fu Institute.

Samantha from the library was delighted to have us attend and is looking forward to the next visit from the Empire.

Stephanie – DS
James – TI
Charlie – ID
Thomas – TK


12/10–Washington Wizards Star Wars Night, DC

We arrived pretty early and waited to be led to the Caps locker room to get suited up. We hung out on one of the top floors for awhile to greet and take pictures with the kids in the Kid Membership area. A couple of the cheerleaders, stilt-walkers, and promo group would also wander by and get photos. We went to the main level when the doors were opened and had to change spots a few time to allow traffic flow. Eventually, we found our nook and stayed there for a while taking photos with fans. Before getting unsuited, we made a trip around the concourse taking photos with people milling about. After getting out of kit, most of us stayed to watch the end of the game.

Not bad for a first troop with a new organization. Here’s hoping to many more.

Emily – CC
Shep – IN
Phil – TK
Jeff – Kylo

Rebels & Co:

Joe – Anakin
Marc – Mando
Norman – Chewie
Nick – Jedi
Jason – R2


12/11–Washington Capitals Star Wars Night, DC

Folks started arriving pretty early, so we took our time getting suited up. Mostly everyone was in the same part of the Wizards locker room, since it was the biggest and had room for all the groups. Each group was given an escort from the Caps and a roaming area. 501st went into the VIP area to greet the members getting settled for the game while the RL, Mandos, and R2 roamed the concourse. The 501st was asked to go out on the ice with the Mights for the players’ entrance and Nation Anthems, while Vader made some appearances at other locations. After that, we joined the other groups in roaming the concourse taking photos with anyone who wanted them. We’d pop into the tunnels from time to time for dancing and high fives. We unsuited near the last period and were out of the building just as the game was letting out.

Emily – CC
Stephen – TK
Jim – SL
Jacob – TK
Doug – TK
Phil – TK
Kevin – TK
Chris – TK

Natalie Bauchan
Anna Mitchell

12/12–Star Wars Trivia, DC

Bria and Shep arrived around 1700 and were provided dinner, which was delicious. Around 1800 they went upstairs to the manager’s office to change and get ready for the festivities. At 1830, they walked around the bar and outside taking pictures with the bar patrons.  Christian arrived and quickly joined the crowd. At 2000, the trivia began and our Troopers decided to take part in it even though they were not qualified to win (because bragging rights are important! :)). Afterwards the host took us back up to the office to get changed. All in all a very fun night the crowd and the venue loved having us there.

Bria – ID
Shep – IG
Christian – ID


12/15–Children’s National Medical Center Virtual Santa, DC

I met up with the Virtual Santa cart and the gang handing out toys. I was very surprised to see one of my former coworkers dressed as an elf! One of the hospital contacts was concerned about having a “scary” Star Wars person frightening the children. Although Kyle and I tried to assuage her fears, especially since some of the kids had asked for Star Wars toys, it was for naught. So Kyle and I headed downstairs to the atrium and took photos with other children visiting the hospital.


Charlie – TI


12/15–Rogue One, Hagerstown

This was a good event, and we set up pretty much with the local dealership Hamilton Nissan. They had a drawing people could sign up for and were giving out free shirts. A special thanks to the folks of Garrison Corellia for coming up and helping out with this troop. Jesse was walking around and handing out tickets to rebels that showed up. The theater was glad to have us back we are looking forward to the next appearance. :)

Jake – TK
Lana TK (GC)
Jesse – TI (GC)
Nick – TI (Baron Fel) (GC)

Cayla (GC)

12/15–Rogue One CyberPoint, Linthicum

This was a great little premier event. It was held on the balcony of the theater. We were able to change and store our boxes in the projector room. After that we greeted people as the came off the elevator. We also took the usual photos with the crowd. The theater didn’t want us roaming around in the lobby with buckets on, so we stayed upstairs during the troop. We changed a half an hour before the show. That gave us time time to get a little food before heading into the theater where they provided sodas and popcorn. All in all, it was a nice troop. Most importantly, it was inside!

Matt – TK
James – TI
Stephanie – DS
Doug – TK

12/15-18–Rogue One at the Senator, Baltimore



12/15–1900 show

What a great troop, even if Shep forgot his inner robes at home. With the extreme cold weather, the Senator changed up their plans, but we know how to work with unexpected changes. We had most troopers in the changing room and ready to go by 1700hrs. The Senator moved the first group of people waiting for the movie into the lobby because some of them had been waiting since 0700. The Troopers rolled out into the lobby doing the whole picture thing, and some even braved going outside for a few minutes at a time. Once the main theater was opened, they allowed us to go inside and take some group pictures.  After that we went out to the lobby to form the gauntlet that we did last year to cheer and high five people as they made their way in. Some troopers went inside the theater to allow those that did not get a chance to grab a picture with us get one and others started desuiting so they could pick up some popcorn and drinks and get comfy before the show.

This was kind of a short troop due to the fact that the cold weather pushed up The Senator’s timetable on letting people into the theater. Nevertheless, everyone had a fun time and everyone was very flexible.




12/15–22:30 show

Tom, Dave, and Chris were suited up before the 1900 show let out. There were a few people in the lobby, and a few came by to pick up tickets, but most people didn’t show up until right before the show started. When the 1900 show let out, the Troopers were joined by William, Melissa, Emily, and a few Mandos. They took a lot of pictures with people leaving, and interacted with the crowd as people started to fill the lobby for the late show. It was about half full, but the crowd was lively and excited. Between 2130 and 2200, Dave, Tom, and Chris suited down to watch the show. Emily, Bill, and Melissa trooped on until right before show time. As ever, the Senator staff was kind and accommodating.


Chris – TR
William – TK
Melissa – ID
Dave – FOTK
Tom – ID
Emily – CC

12/16–2000 show

As usual, this was a great troop even though it was rather cold. We met up and changed at Zen West. The staff was great and the owner seemed to really enjoy having us there. (There food is good too! Some people arrived early and had dinner before the troop.)  Once ready, we made a very brisk walk to the theater. We had fun greeting everyone as they came in. With the exception of one youngling, everyone was great and were appreciative that we were there. Once the movie started, we headed back to change and take a few more pictures at Zen West.

Jamie – TK
Rob H. – TK
Rob C. – SL
Matt – TK

12/17–16:30 show

Sam and Bry arrived and changed at Amazing Spiral. The staff was very nice and the changing room was quite spacious. Sam guided Bry across the slushy and icy sidewalks to the Senator. They met up with Joe from Terrapin Base and a group of Mandos. Several pics were taken inside and outside. Bry was pleased that many people knew he was an AT-AT driver and not a Stormtrooper……until he went outside. :D  I had several cars honk, yell fun things like “Yeah Star Wars!”, “Stormtrooper” and “Woot”. They then took a spin around the theater right before the movie began. It was fun watching Rogue One in 3D. Since we did not have time to change, we sat in our armor to watch the movie. Turns out AT-AT buckets work great as a popcorn holder. :)

Bry – TA


12/18–1630 show

This was the first official troop for husband and wife new recruits, Theresa & Derrick Meade! They suited up around 3, then entertained people and facilitated photo shoots at the Amazing Spiral before heading over to the Senator. they were there until just after the 4:30 show started and had a good time welcoming guests and entertaining people in the lobby. They even signed a few autographs and ventured out for a bit of waving at traffic and seeing how many car honks they could get (the answer was a ton)

Derrick – TK
Theresa – SL



12/18–2000 show

Everyone loved the Jawa! And 1 person recognized Yvonne’s character as the changeling bounty hunter Zam Wesell. The manager was so nice. The troops worked the lobby  from 6-7:30 pm, taking plenty of pictures.  Zen West again hosted us for a changing room and were very hospitable.


Kelly – DZ

Yvonne – BH

12/16, 1930–Air & Space Rogue One Opening, DC

A&S provided us with a briefing room to change into which gave us plenty of space for everyone to change. After suiting up people made their way to the area around the IMAX theater where we did our usually meet and greet, posing for pictures and answering questions. Around 2000 it quieted down and people started to desuit while others stayed around. As always A&S took good care of us and it is always a pleasure to troop this museum.


Anna (GT)
Chris (GT)
Shep – TR
Emily – CC
Eric – ID
Philip – TK
Dan – Imperial Knight
Bria (GT)


12/17–Rogue One Toys for Tots, Frederick

This was a fun event! Luckily we were able to troop inside this year. We did have a snowball fight outside though… We had a great turnout despite the poor road conditions! Members of OLG, GC, CG, RL, MMCC & R2DC were all in attendance. We were able to greet people as they entered the theater and as they left after the movie. Many people just walking by the theater stopped in to take pictures with us. Unfortunately, the Beyond Comics folks didn’t stop by this year. The only thing that would make this a better event would be a larger changing room. :)

OLG Troopers:
Matt – TK
Jake – TK
Rob C – Vader

OLG Squires:


12/17–6th Birthday Party, Bel Air


We arrived a little after 10:15 due to road conditions and suited up in the basement. Once we were ready, they brought the kids down to interact with us. We answered questions and posed for photos, then the action of the party moved back upstairs. Several parents hung back to ask questions about the 501st, a few may be suitable for new recruits. We were given little goodie bags from the party and enjoyed some stormtrooper cupcakes before heading out a little after noon.

Devin – TB
William – TK
Melissa – ID

12/21–CWF Movie Night, Linthicum

This was a fun event, similar to what we did on Thursday. They let us change in the projector room again. This time we were in the lobby rather than the balcony. At first, the theater said that they only wanted us to interact with the CWF guests. Luckily, that didn’t last long. :)  He definitely would like us back next December.

Matt – TK
Andy – TB

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