Event Round-Up, June/July
August 5th, 20166/25–Bowie Baysox Star Wars Night
This annual fan and trooper favorite was another rousing success. We all arrived early and were dressed in time to be on the concourse before the doors opened. This year the Baysox gave us a wonderfully large changing area. It was definitely a warm night, but all of the troopers were awesome and you could tell the crowd really enjoyed having us there. Our big group was made even bigger and better by our friends from the Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, and Galactic Academy.
Matt Morley (TK)
Charlie Mann (TI)
Josh O (TR)
Kellie (ID)
Phil (ID)
Devin (TB)
Sam (SL)
Kevin (TK)
Emily (CC)
Thomas (TK)
Bob (TI)
Kelly (IC)
William (TK)
Melissa (ID)
Spence (BH)
Andrew (TC)
Mike (TK)
Olivia (GA-DZ)
Keira (GA-TB)
Jim (SL)
Yvonne (BH)
Trevor (GA-DZ)
Karyn (GA-DZ)
Kaylee (GA-DZ)
7/1-7/3–Escape Velocity, DC
Escape Velocity turned out to a fun little con. We were a big hit. The drone races were pretty cool, too. It was a nice mix of science and science fiction. Since it was a new con, we had a few minor logistical issues, but the staff was great. They helped us with anything we needed. They continually checked in with us to see how we were doing. We only used about a quarter of the huge 40×40 space that they provided us. Next time, they are hoping to setup an in-booth changing area for us. We only had one big issue. On Friday, we met about 300 kids from the Boys and Girl Clubs of America. Most of the kids were great but a few were not. A part of Dan’s FO trooper was ripped off and thrown in the trash. Luckily, the staff helped find it. This was a reminder of the importance of having squires, especially around small children. We also want to say thanks to Garrison Tyranus for helping out! Lori’s backdrop and props were a great help!
Dan Rodriguez
Bria LaVorgna (GT)
Lori Frye (GT)
Devin Minnich
Matthew Morley
Laila Morley – Squire
Ian Morley – Squire
Aidan Morley
Dan Rodriguez
Anna Mitchell (GT)
Bria LaVorgna (GT)
Lori Frye (GT)
Phil Gastilo
Scott Stevens – Squire
Kami Kohitsuji
Jacob Stottlemyer
Glynn Steckler – Squire
Chris Porta (GT)
Chris Brown (GT)
Emily Schram
William Ralph
Melissa Ralph
Rebecca Cook – Squire
Henry Bradford – Squire
Matthew Morley
Laila Morley – Squire
Ian Morley – Squire
Aidan Morley
Ben Jerauld (GT)
Julia Evans – Squire (GT)
BJ Brown (GT)
Sean Illg – Squire
Heather Shue (GT)
Brad Shue (GT)
Madison Cope (GT)
Chris Cope (GT)
Mrs. Cope – Squire (GT)
Brian Jones – Squire
Dan Rodriguez
Bria LaVorgna (GT)
Lori Frye (GT)
Scott Stevens – Squire
Kami Kohitsuji
Jacob Stottlemyer
Chris Brown (GT)
Damon Degner
William Ralph
Melissa Ralph
Rebecca Cook – Squire
Henry Bradford – Squire
Julia Evans – Squire (GT)
Sean Illg – Squire
A Note From the Event Sponsor:
On behalf of the Museum of Science Fiction, I want to thank you and your group for participating in the Escape Velocity convention. It was a success in large part because we had the support of stellar folks like the 501st! Your group puts a smile on every face in the room, and I cannot adequately express the gratitude I feel.
On a personal note, I have to acknowledge the extra effort put in for the Boys and Girls Club groups. I know it did not go as smoothly as it could have, and we’ve learned many lessons on how to deal with large groups in the future. I also recognize the parking situation was less than ideal. These are items I hope to improve upon for next year.
I sincerely hope the members of your group enjoyed themselves overall and will want to return next year. If there is any support or assistance the Museum may be able to provide to the 501st throughout the year, please feel free to reach out to me and I will see what we can do.
7/9–Southern Maryland Blue Crabs Star Wars Night
The Atlantic League team once again welcomed us to the Regency Furniture Stadium for a fun night in Waldorf, MD. We were happy to be a part and join our friends the Mandalorian Mercs and the Saber Guild.
Josh Orr – TR
Sam Slater – SL
Andrew Simansky – TK
7/22–The Cubs Awaken Movie Night
We arrived and were dressed by 6:30 and headed out to the viewing area around 6:45pm. They rented an inflatable movie screen, and we were to be a surprise for the kids to take pictures and interact with while the sun when down enough to start the movie. There were a lot of families attending and we were well received. We played soccer, ate s’mores, and participated in general event antics. Afterwards, we were treated to pizza, popcorn, candy, and beverages.
Emily – Rex
Jason – R2
Casie (Mando)
Very nice little con. They had a room set aside for us to change in, but we decided it would be easier to change on the main area in the spacious bathroom. We were all set up and ready to go by 10. The Con ebbed and flowed, and all in all was a good time. We had a few inquiries about joining as well as new events so hopefully we will see some new faces logging in and some new events being posted.
7/23–Wesminster Comic Fest
This turned out to be a typical library event. The con artists didn’t arrive, so we were the main attraction. We trooped both inside and outside. While outside we got invited into a little art studio where kid were painting. With the nice weather it turned out to be a great little troop.
Matt – TK
Jacob – TK
Aidan – IC
Jason – R2
Brian & his wife
7/30–ArtistSlam at Geppi’s Entertainment Museum
This was a pretty tame affair. We were one of only a handful of exhibitors, and the traffic was pretty slow throughout the day. Nevertheless, we were all set up and suited up within the 10 o’clock hour. Our space was in the main second floor hallway, near the Star Wars exhibit, and we took photos and interacted with museum guests as they came through. By about 1, the traffic had pretty well dried up, so we started to suit down and pack up. It was about 2 by the time we all cleared out. The staff was grateful to have us, providing us with water and an office in which to store our gear.
Bry – CB
Geoff – TK
Devin – TB
Chris – TR
Galactic Academy:
Ryan – DZ
Collin (visiting from Michigan)
7/31–Galactic Con
Most of the troops arrived between 0900 and 1000, the Con provided us with a conference room for changing and storing of bins as well as keeping us hydrated with water in the room (this was much needed). We hung around in the conference room for awhile talking Star Wars and Pokemon. After that, we suited up and made our way to our table area. This was a smallish Con taking up three rooms, and we were put right by the check-in area. We had room for our backdrop and our PR stuff. Across from us was the G.I. Joe’s finest, who were a great bunch of guys and gals. A few of us went to Mark Mckenna, an Honorary Member of the 501st, who loved having us around. We had a few good talks with people who showed interest in joining us as well as having us out for something. While talking with the Finest ( http://www.thefinestcc.com/) we mentioned that they might be a good addition to the Travis Manion 9/11 run, they raise money for Charity as well, they have worked with Wounded Warriors and the USO. But all in all, it was a nice small con. We wandered around, took pictures with people, and answered the questions they had. The Con organizer came to us afterwards and said he loved having us here and that he would have us back when he does the Con next year, though it will probably be in a different location but the same city.
Mike – TFA TK (w/ 2 GA Cadets, TB & TI)
Damon – TD
William – TK
Melissa – ID
Mike H – TK (GC)
Saffy – Tusken (GC / GA)
Zoe – Sabine (GC / GA)
Matt – TK
Stephen – TK
Warren – DZ
Delaney – BH (GA)
Brian – TK
Andrew – TK
Barron – TB
Jason – R2