When The President Calls, OLG Answers!

April 2nd, 2016

Renegade is secure.

Last week a few of our troopers were invited out on a top secret mission…The White House Easter Egg Roll!!!  This very special event was coordinated with Lucasfilm, Disney, and, of course, White House security.

From the mission report of Michael Perkins, TK-10114…

“We went through security and watched the rain that began on Sunday Night, dreading going out and having a wet undersuit for 12 hours. The families came in groups and we had a schedule of specific times and events to follow. Bob and Charles worked their magic interfacing with the Disney Group and made it an incredible experience! The sun came out around 10am, and from there it was a beautiful day!

We were told there was going to be a special event for the First Order TKs. About an hour before the event the FO TKs were to escort POTUS & FLOTUS!  Security was very tight and we followed all their instructions and there were no falls, trips or disasters!

The picture sessions for both Vader and the Stormtroopers were overwhelming! It started with 10 families, and in minutes lines were 50 to 75 feet long and getting longer. We did between 30 to 45 minutes each session. Numerous celebrities were at this event wanting to get pictures with the Star Wars Characters. I give huge credit again to Bob, Charles and the event volunteers for keeping things flowing and having the patience to deal with the crowds.

When it was over we were suited up for about 8 hours. We did strip the armor off for a precautionary bathroom and water break for an hour and walked around the grounds. It was an honor to have participated in such a fun day at the White House with all the families and the other different characters!”

Troopers in attendance:

Randy S.,  FO TK21029
Michael P.,  FO TK10114
Jim T.,  ESB Darth Vader SL2626
Charles M. (TI386), Handler
Bob M., Handler

Our buckets are off to this crew for representing Old Line Garrison, the 501st, and the whole Star Wars community so well at such a high profile event!


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