Old Line Garrison invades Awesome Con

June 5th, 2015

Awesome Con was held May 29th through 31st. This was the second year that Old Line Garrison was invited to participate and participate we did. One major change from last year was having a Star Wars Zone where not only Old Line Garrison but also Terrapin Base, Mando Mercs, and the R2DC Builders were all there showing their love of Star Wars. We had our largest PR Table ever, an Action Figure Backdrop, as well as the highly popular Blast-A-Trooper. As with last year we partnered up with the Travis Manion Foundation who help out Wounded Warriors and First Responders.  We were also able to get help from some of the 501st Honorary Members John Morton, Grant Imahara, George Takei, Phil Lamarr, James Marsters and even non Honorary Member Michael Biehn who donated signed photographers for our charity raffle. All in all Old Line Garrison was able to raise $1,919.01 over the weekend.


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