Taking The Plunge

December 27th, 2010

With the holidays winding down, Old Line Garrison members seem to be gearing up for an exciting winter.

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has invited Rebel Legion and 501st Members in the area to appear during their Icarus at the Edge of Time program, to be performed January 14th, 15th and 16th. Check out the BSO site for more infohttp://www.bsomusic.org/main.taf?p=3,1,6,4

Additionally, a team of members has decided to take the plunge this year and raise money for Special Olympics at the Maryland State Police’s 15th Annual Polar Bear Plunge! While the team will leave their TK armor safe and warm at home, members will be diving into fund-raising for this Maryland tradition.

Donations for Team Old Line Garrison can be made online athttp://plunge15.kintera.org/teamoldlinegarrison

We hope to see you there!

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