Event Round-Up, December

January 31st, 2019

Clayville Railroad Holiday Train Display – 12/2/18  – Clayville

We all arrived early to scope out the lay out. We were shown to a basement in the house. The basement had very steep steps Both TKs tackled those steps with no issues! Most impressive….The train garden is very nice with a lot to see. They offer free s’mores and hot cocoa with a very nice fire. We created people and Santa himself. Very nice troop for any money raised was going to be donated to Kamila who is 2 and Emma who is 5. Both girls are battling Leukemia. When we were done we went back to the basement and departed.

Total hours trooped-4
Money raised-the event was still going on but was told just that night raised 100$

Photos submitted to PR email

Tom W-TK
Rob Harlan-TK (his first troop)
Rob H-TB

Galactic Academy:
Bobby Heck-Kylo

Gabby Heck


Ocean City ComicCon  12/8/18 Ocean City MD

We arrived on the scene early Friday and was graciously given plenty of space to set up BAT and our PR table. We was then shown where we could change and store our bins, which again was more room then we needed. The troop began promptly at 10am on Saturday we had all sorts of fans stopping by to chat with us, take pictures and to test their marksmanship skills and shoot a trooper. This con flowed very nicely and I’m happy to report we had zero incidents. We started to pack up around 4:45pm and was out of the convention hall by 5:15

Total hours trooped-7
Money raised-BAT raised 542$ and the con will donate 5500$ between the hero initiative and the Samaritan shelter. Plus over a truck load of can goods to Diakonia.

Photos will be submitted to our PR email

Jeremy Bender-TD
Ryan Dassing-TI
Bryan White-TA
Sam White-TI
Mike Perkins-TI
Rob DePartee-TI
John Aiken-TI
Brian Aiken-TK
Will Foxwell-DS
Bill Thomas-IG
Cheryl Thomas-ID
Dylan Zierle-TD
Pat Vetrone-BH
Robert Harlan-TK
Tom Wyatt-TK
Jason Pangborn-IC/R2
Jesse Pollock-TS
Nick Dinko-TK
Rob Heck-TB

Visiting Garrison members:
Bria LaVorgna (GT) DZ

Galactic Academy
Jake Bender
Ollie Dassing
Connor Vetrone
Gabby Heck
Bobby Heck


Star Wars Night at the Book Fair 12/11/18 Elkton

What a turn out! Thank you to everyone who gave up a Tuesday night for my school. We had a wonderful variety of characters, much to the delight of my students and their parents. People started rolling in a little after 5, and everyone was suited up by 6:30. We had light but regular traffic during the first half an hour to forty-five minutes. Once the chorus concert started, things died down and everyone had a chance to grab a a breather and some water. When the concert let out a bit before 8, the crowd really rolled in. We took a lot of pictures and played a few games with kids as the school slowly emptied out for the night. Zoe even taught a few kids (and troopers!) how to play Sabacc! The book fair did about $600 in sales in that short time, which is about two days worth of regular sales.

– Total Number of hours worked: 2
– Money Raised: N/A


Chris – ID
John – TI
Pat – BH
Devin – TB
Brian – ID

Visiting Garrisons:
Mike – TK (Carida)
Chris – SL (Carida)
Donna – TI (First State)

Rebel Legion:
Marty – Chewie

Galactic Academy:
Katie – ID
Connor – DZ
Mary – AT AT
Zoe – Rebel Scum/Sabine



2nd Annual Winter Wonderful 12/1/18 Edgewater

Talk about off the beaten path! The event venue was tucked back in the woods, along the edge of White Marsh Creek. The road in was a bumpy gravel affair, but the view was quite lovely. The event itself was small, with perhaps 2 dozen vendors arranged in a single building. There were several games and crafts for kids, along with pictures with Santa & Mrs. Claus. Ryan and I arrived around 9:30 and were suited up for the 10 am start time. Things were a little slow at first, but picked up quickly. There were a lot of kids around, especially in the pre-school/elementary range. Nick arrived (complete with Santa hat and belighted blaster), and we became the defacto second stop after Santa pictures were taken. It’s worth noting, I think, that Santa made WAY more kids cry than we did. :wink:A few kids even kept circling around to vist us, and one little boy (maybe 3 years old?) sat on the floor and played catch with Ryan for a good ten minutes. The Jawa and I left a little before noon, and Nick held down the fort for another hour or so. It was a thoroughly plesant event.

– Total Number of hours worked: 3
– Money Raised: N/A


Chris – TR
Ryan – GA DZ
Nick – TK




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