Event Round-Up, October
November 12th, 2018Glenelg HS Homecoming Game -Columbia 10/12/18
Big school but very nice accommodations in a large music room given water and pizza leftover still warm. After a quick brief about what was going to be our strategic insertion into the halftime show. We suited up and headed down to the field. Waving and pictures on the way. (Did get I love you Darth Vader) We lined up waiting for our cue. Then it happen we walked 3 paces onto the field turned and waved after halftime we mingled with the younglings for pictures on the track and in front of the stands. Luckily we had a squire and helmet free to wander in the dark. Returned to the music room dekitted and walked out together. I believe the FB team won as well.
– Total Number of hours worked: 3
Photos and smiles and a bunch high fives
Photos submitted to PR email.
OLG Troopers: (List troopers in alphabetical order by first name)
John Aiken – TI 181st
Brian Aiken – ID
James Combes- TI
Stephanie Combes- Mara
Thomas windebank- TK
Jason Lizek- ID
Other Garrison/Group Troopers:
Liz Fitch RL?
Galactic Academy:
Squires. Jeanne Aiken
HCPL Comic Con – Bel Air 10/20/18
We arrived at the location and we’re led to our secure changing area by our event host. Our area was stocked with water and cookies which was nice. We suited up and began our patrol of the premises. Upon reaching the main part of the library, we stumbled upon a costume contest for kids. It was refreshing to see some children dressed as First Order Stormtroopers as well as one pint-sized Kylo Ren. After the contest, we hung around and took photos with the guests, patrolled the main entrance and interacted with the staff who had tables set up. We were then invited up for pizza in the break room by the library staff. Several of our troopers took a quick break for lunch before returning to duty. After a few hours, we retired to the changing area to return to our civilian clothes and exit the location.
Total hours: 6
Total Money : $0
OLG Troopers:
Bryan White – TI
Jeremy Bender – DS
Jesse Pollock – TS
Kyle Gainey – DZ
Pat Vetrone – BH
Galactic Acadamy:
Niko Loucas – CTB
Connor – Jawa
Jake Bender – Jawa
Breathe Deep Baltimore Walk – Baltimore 10/6/18
Oriole Park at Camden Yards
A pleasant break from the heat to support a very important cause!
The troops arrived at the VIP parking lot and donned their gear at the vehicles. Vendors were setup with tables in the shadow of Camden Yards in a very nice area lined with trees facing the Baltimore Ravens stadium. As participants began to arrive and check-in, we greeted them with high fives and fist bumps. Several small children slowly warmed to the Empire’s protective presence. The Baltimore Orioles mascot came out and joined us for photos. After a rousing opening ceremony, we cheered the walkers as they headed out from the starting line.
Total Number of hours worked: 3 hours
Money Raised: No money raised, but spirits were certainly lifted
Bill Ralph – TK
Charlie Mann – TI
Jesse Pollock, III – DZ
Melissa Ralph – TI
Warren Markert – TA
Old Line Galactic Academy
Delaney Markert – BH
Star Wars Reads Day – Severna Park 10/13/18
The library was very gracious and shared their employee break room for the Empire to change into gear. The library wanted to ensure maximum energy levels for the troopers, and provided 3 dozen donuts so personnel could carb up. The garrison marched into the public library space shortly after 1100 hours, and greeted the many wide eyed visitors. An Imperial officer introduced the many different ways to serve in the Empire, and reminded the galactic citizens that in spite of what they may have read and seen in the obviously slanted historical documents, the Empire is the rightfully “elected” government. The garrison then patrolled the library, posing for pictures with the delighted patrons, and participated in arts and crafts. Around 1300 hours, the troopers were recalled to the Imperial shuttle and were extracted from the landing zone.
Total Number of hours worked: 2 hours
Money Raised: No money raised, but spirits were certainly lifted
Bill Thomas – IG
Charlie Mann – ID
Cheryl Thomas – ID
Christopher Hecht – CC
Corey DiPietro – TD
Dylan Zierle – TR
Eric Disney – TK
James Combes – TI
Jason Lyzek – ID
Jesse Pollock, III – DZ
Nick Dinko – TK
Ryan Dassing – TI
Stephanie Combes – DS
Thomas Windebank – TK
Thomas Wyatt – TK
Mandalorian Mercenaries
Nikki Webb
Shiloh Bernstein
Old Line Galactic Academy
Oliver Dassing – DS
Giffords Fall Fest – Rising Sun 10/06/18
Arrived shortly after noon, met up with event coordinator whom said changing area was sane as day before . Barn area in the back . Once suited up , came out and mingled with fans/people , smiles were wide and most had no idea what character or who I was period haha, had a few immediately run up for high fives and hugs , most young kids were real skiddish of me and unsure if I was good or bad lol , needed a lot of reassurance but once they knew I was a ‘good ‘ guy then they opened up a little more . The crowd was not as nearly as big as the day before but still a great day. A few of the kids ran up and said ‘ do the roar ! ‘ and jumped up and down after hearing it , took photos with those whom were willing ( haha ) and as the event winded down , thanked the coordinator for having us out and look forward to any future events !
Time: 2 hours
Troopers : DZ-Kyle Gainey