Trooper Spotlight #5: Eric Grubb
July 5th, 2015Legion Number:
TB 3294
Member Since:
Primary Costume:
Biker Scout
Other Costumes:
Black Staff Officer, AT-ST Driver, Scanning Crew
Legion/Garrison Offices Held:
Merch Officer
Favorite Event:
Libraries in general. For whatever reason,they’re just the most fun. The kids are usually excited to see us, the parents try to pretend like they are just there for the kids and its generally just a good time.
Most Memorable Trooping Moment:
My first troop. Baltimore Comic Con 2011. I had no idea what was going on or what was really going to be expected of me. Plus my boots were so tight that I couldn’t feel my toes by the end of it.
First Contact with the 501st Legion:
I really don’t know. I’d known of them for years before I joined. Ran into a few here and there at various places.
Reason for Joining the 501st Legion:
I just wanted to be part of a Star Wars group and I thought it would be fun.
Favorite Star Wars________:
The X-Wing books/comics. With my love of Wedge it’s no real surprise but they also do so much with all these secondary and lower characters that made them seem like they mattered in the universe. Just loved it.
Favorite Star Wars Character:
Wedge over all but Admiral Piett is a pretty close second
Other Hobbies:
WoW, rec league softball, comics, movies.